Monday, September 12, 2016

Green memory


Verse 1

When ever think of, past time over, it will bring back, some memories, from long ago.
Normal memories, but you have no, respect of them, that you will see, they pass you by.

Verse 2

No memory is ever alone, it's at the end of trail recall, each have their own.
It's great to remind good memories of someone's past, enjoyable when was today.

Chorus 1

Green memory of life that time recall to you, 
ever remain vivid with warming heart.
There're memories of life are unforgettable, 
so more concern with friends and family.

Chorus 2

Green memories are just stories that tell oneselves, 
about past time that hard share someone else.
Learn to enjoy today when get some happiness, 
then they becomes green memories later.

Song lyric

Sound mixing

P/s : music 2016, mixing 2018, lyric 2023

Update : Regarding SME (Sony Music Entertainment) that this song violates their copyright.

1. I write music just for entertainment, if posted on YouTube, it is only for long -term storage.
2/ I have never used the Money Tools on YouTube.
3/ Around September 6, 2024 when reviewing some of my songs on YouTube, I realized that SME banned this song on a worldwide range for violating their copyright.
4/ I have protested on the YouTube system about this on September 7, 2024.
5/ Through finding out the reason I know that the SME may not catch errors about the violation of the song but only catch the error of the image in the video.

I confirm that the images in the video are free to download on the internet, the image that SME thinks that I have taken from their also has from the internet too. The address of these images is : 

Please be careful, SME !

Youtube has confirmed my appeal.

The content of the video "ato final (Lyric Video) that SME said I violated these images.

And here is a short of my video at 1.53 - 2.25 to illustrate my song. The images in this video are copied free from : 

You can check again and you will see that SME's version and my version are the same (just different in color) and come from the same original video with the address mentioned above. As here :
On the interface of Pixapay (offering short videos for free genres)

Video contains content that serves as a background illustration for music clips 

While waiting for my appeal SME to succeed, I invite you to see the content of the song with Vietnamese and English lyrics on the background of new images :

After changing the illustration image, SME did not catch copyright infringement in this new video. So I am sure that SME caught infringement of images in the old video above, these images are freely available for everyone to download to illustrate in their documents. Therefore, if I have violated these images of SME, then ask where SME got those images from...Why is it okay for them to use these images from other people, but when I do the same they say it is a violation of their copyright ? This shows that SME has indirectly taken other people's free products to make them its own copyrighted material. Are SME both the player and the referee so they can do whatever they wants ? Does SME have too much power ? 

As I said before, I write music for entertainment, not for promotion, not for praise or criticism... I don't care if someone bans my song, even SME, because I said that I only posted it on Youtube for the purpose of being a stable and long-term storage place, if someone knows, they know, but there is no need to popularize or market it, and consider it a place to store my memories in the past. It's just annoying and I have to clarify when someone says that I have violated their copyright, as SME mentioned above, because there will be people who think that I don't know anything about music, just copying from others to make it my own, that's too shameful, like the way SME did to me. "You can't force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected"!
They used their power to defame others in this way.
A philosopher once said: "The shameful person is not the one who is humiliated by others, but the one who uses his power to humiliate others." Yes, when someone intentionally humiliates another person, they are also humiliating themselves in a sense. Trying to make another person feel inferior or ashamed shows insecurity and a lack of confidence in the humiliator. This shows that they feel the need to make themselves feel better by putting others down. This type of behavior often stems from the humiliator’s own feelings of powerlessness or low self-esteem. When someone resorts to humiliating another person, it highlights their own emotional immaturity and lack of empathy. Instead of building themselves up in a healthy way, they try to bring others down to make themselves feel stronger. This is essentially a self-deprecating behavior that reflects poorly and immaturely on the humiliator’s character and emotional intelligence. You can humiliate me but you can't defeat me !

Today, September 10, 2024, they have allowed this video to be made public (everyone can see it) but still claim that it violates copyright (image above)... It seems that Youtube has allowed it to be "made public", but SME still "sings" the endless song "copyright violation". What is copyright here, please clarify for everyone to know ? Or is this just a manifestation of arrogance in a stubborn state that only tries to lower the reputation of others !

Having said that, I still know who set this up. No wonder the "Content ID" system works like a machine. It doesn't know right from wrong, whenever it sees two similar things, it says one violates the copyright of the other. My case above is the same: SME owns a copyrighted video, this video uses some images that are freely downloaded from a certain source X. I also used some images from this source to illustrate my video... So it said I violated SME's copyright, it's that simple. It doesn't know that source X is for everyone to use freely, because it's like a machine. I think, even though "Content ID" works like a machine, but to operate it are real people, so what have they done... are they still human or are the mechanical thoughts ingrained in their heads ? It's fun to say that, is it time to witness "Rise of the Machines" like the images in Terminator 3 - a 2003 science fiction action film ?

(To be continued !)

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