Sunday, February 10, 2019

Stone on shore

Lo Dieu beach which is surrounded by ranges of mountains looks like a valley with fresh paddy fields, cottages, and prolonged beach. Looking down from on high, Lo Dieu beach is like a giant bow leaning back against the mountain, overlooking the sea and a field in the center.

Viewed from afar, the rocks of many shapes paired with golden sand beach create a spectacular, pristine and romantic painting of rock and water. The highlight of the rapids is Hon Trong in the shape of a woman and child waiting for her husband returning after the fishing season. Scattered on the beach, when the tide goes down, mysterious diversified rocks appear on the sea surface. If you come here in January, you can see the green seaweed covered the rocks. And the most striking thing is that there is a stone that looks like a woman carrying a baby waiting for her husband to go home, this stone called "expectant stone" has ever been on the beach for a very long time ago...

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