Friday, November 15, 2024

Seeds of Wisdom


The Lord by wisdom put in position the bases of the earth; by reason he put the heavens in their place. (Proverbs 3:19)


[Verse 1]

By wisdom He laid the earth so grand
With gentle hands and a guiding plan
In reason's light the heavens stand
A crafted sky from dust and sand

[Verse 2]

A canvas broad stars set in line
By reason clear they brightly shine
Each planet turns a choreographed sign
In cosmic dance stories combine


Seeds of wisdom roots and sky
Stretching far from low to high
By wisdom bound and reason nigh
Creation's verse a lullaby

[Verse 3]

Mountains tall and oceans vast
With purpose made to ever last
In patterns formed from futures past
A work of art He's unsurpassed


From thought to form a world so bright
Crafted with love in day and night
By wise hands with power and might
He shaped the dark He carved the light


Seeds of wisdom roots and sky
Stretching far from low to high
By wisdom bound and reason nigh
Creation's verse a lullaby


Mountains tall and oceans vast
With purpose made to ever last
In patterns formed from futures past
A work of art He's unsurpassed

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