Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Love Thy Neighbor


You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you are given to fighting with one another, take care that you are not the cause of destruction one to another. (Galatians 5:14-15)


[Verse 1]

Love thy neighbor as you love yourself - Raise no fists when words can dwell
No need to bring any harm or strife - Let's all just live our best life

[Verse 2]

If you argue you risk it all - What if we instead build tall
Raise each other from the ground - Spread the love all around


Don't be the cause of anyone's fall - Let's break through this bitter wall
Kindness is what we should chase - Start with a warm embrace

[Verse 3]

When you see them in the street - Offer grace in word and deed
No room for hate in this place - We are all the same race


Could you be the change you seek - Strong and gentle never weak
Lift them high who struggle below - Together we'll thrive and grow


Don't be the cause of anyone's fall - Let's break through this bitter wall
Kindness is what we should chase - Start with a warm embrace

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