Friday, November 15, 2024

Good and Evil


The good man, out of the good store of his heart, gives good things; and the evil man, out of his evil store, gives evil: for out of the full store of the heart come the words of the mouth. (Luke 6:45) 


[Verse 1]

In a world of shadows light is rare. What you keep inside you better beware.
Guard your heart and guard it well. From it flows the tale you tell.

[Verse 2]

Good or evil in your chest. Carry what defines you best.
Out of the storehouse words will grow. Seeds you've planted watch them show.


Heart so full of gems or mud. Flowing words like a flood.
Good store brings the light so bright. Evil gives the darkest night.

[Verse 3]

Barefoot walking paths untold. Will you choose the purest gold.
Or pick the rotten fruit and hide. What you reap won’t be denied.

[Verse 4]

Judgment comes as whispers rise. From your heart through lips so wise.
What you sow is what you'll say. Truth will find its only way.


Heart so full of gems or mud. Flowing words like a flood.
Good store brings the light so bright. Evil gives the darkest night.

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