Monday, October 14, 2024

Whispering Trails


Following the forest trails, walking alone under the shade of trees, a deserted space except for the rustling wind and the incessant chirping of birds. It is impossible not to feel both nervous and excited when discovering new and beautiful lands.



[Verse 1]

Rustling leaves beneath my feet
Silent whispers in the breeze
Winding trails so bittersweet
With no one here but trees and me

[Verse 2]

Birdsong echoes like a dream
Nature's concert pure and free
Shadows dance in sunlight's beam
A hidden world for eyes to see


New skies await beyond the shade
Mysteries in every glade
Nervous hearts they start to race
With every step we will embrace

[Verse 3]

Footprints in untouched soil
Echoes of our journey's toil
An endless path that begs explore
Calling out forevermore

[Verse 4]

Courage rising with each stride
A nervous thrill I cannot hide
Unveiling beauty side by side
With ancient trees as my guide


Whispers of the forest deep
Secrets of the earth they keep
Thrills of wonder make me leap
Waves of peace that never sleep

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